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The C6 Mobile Frame System!

April 1, 2012

Micah bauer has created the C6 system.  C6 stands for Component six, because the whole system uses only six common Lego parts to make both frames and attachments.

This is what he says.  Begin quote –

C6 AMP Frame

For those of you who are excited about Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack but don’t already have a stockpile of Legos specifically for mech building this is the Component Six [C6] system.

C6 is a system designed to simplify acquiring the necessary parts to build a company for MFZ.
– Only six different types of Lego bricks are needed (hence the name).
– The total number of pieces needed for each mech/vehicle design is (relatively) low.
– The six types of bricks used are common pieces, found in many standard Lego sets.

This allows parents to plunder their kid’s Lego bins for resources and not come up empty handed. It also makes purchasing Legos online a little less daunting (and less expensive) since there are only 6 kinds to buy.


When Mobile Frame Zero was announced I was really excited about the number of people who were interested in it. But, I noticed a lot of people had questions about how to build frames and where to get parts. I also noticed that the price required to assemble a company was pretty steep (like most games that involved miniatures). I thought it would be helpful to the new players of MFZ to eliminate some of these potential barriers, so I came up with Component Six.

After playing with the idea for a while I realized that, even with all it’s simplicity it still offered a lot of variability. The more I fiddle with the components the more options I find. C6 allows for a great deal of customization with only a few resources.

Most importantly though, it’s fun. I hope you find the system as helpful and fun as I do. I’m excited to see what creations you come up with. I’ll be posting more of my creations over the next few days.     – End quote.

I don’t know about you, but I think this is pure genius!

10 Comments leave one →
  1. April 1, 2012 7:09 pm

    It’s brilliant, just not something I’m ever likely to field.

  2. shaungamer permalink
    April 1, 2012 10:00 pm

    I will be surprised if he can supply a variety of different looking frames using this C6 system. I just can’t imagine a good looking Quad walker using those parts.

    However as a simple way to introduce people to MFZ, I could see myself buying a few sets of C6 parts from Bricklink, to give to friends.

    Do you have a link to his post/blog/website?

    • mjbauer permalink
      April 2, 2012 1:51 pm

      My site doesn’t have any C6 on it; it was actually just hacked so I hardly have anything on it at the moment. I’m just posting new stuff on my Flickr page.

    • mjbauer permalink
      April 2, 2012 1:56 pm

      My site doesn’t have any C6 stuff on it. I’m posting everything to Flickr at the moment.

      • shaungamer permalink
        April 2, 2012 7:14 pm

        Thank you. Your C6 V-COG is excellent!
        I am more than willing to eat my own words about a lack of variety and good looking frames.
        Not everything has to be super sleek. A few chunky frames can really add to the presence of a mech squad. The three frames you have released so far would make an excellent squad on their own
        2x AMP Direct fire
        1x SCAR Artillery
        1x SCAR Mixed Direct/Command
        1x COG Scout

        • mjbauer permalink
          April 3, 2012 1:32 am

          You are right, the system has it’s limitations, but there is also a lot that can be done with it. I took your comment about the walker as a challenge. Here’s what I came up with.

          • shaungamer permalink
            April 3, 2012 5:52 am

            That is quite an impressive model with so few parts!
            So impressive that I just ordered two lots of C6 brick sets.
            A Reddish Brown, Tan and Black weapons set and a Sand Blue, White and Dark Bluish Grey weapons set. (I could not get enough of the parts in one color in each set, and I thought the mechs would look better in an accent color anyway . . .) I also added some transparent round plates to act as windshields, spotters and weapons.
            All up it cost $31 for both sets which include a company of five mechs each, at least.
            Thank you!

  3. Trilobite permalink
    April 3, 2012 4:00 pm

    Gorgeous! A good look, a simple system, and using common parts–this is a great example of the Mechatonian Dream!

    I think I’m gonna go buy me a squad or two of these here C6s to defend my home and livelihood against fascists and creepy brain aliens.

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